According to a survey conducted by TD Bank, more than half of restaurant franchise owners and franchisors (59%) plan to integrate mobile apps and/or mobile ordering, or develop a mobile app in 2018. Of the respondents, 54% own or operate stores that are part of a major national brand, and 44% state they own 25 or more restaurant locations.
What remains to be seen is how many of the 59% plan to integrate mobile technologies into their workforce. These are the operations and communications apps that aren’t customer-facing, but rather employee-facing. This technology enables different tiers of management to communicate in real-time about store conditions, promotional rollouts, and other key aspects of their operations. So while the survey doesn’t specifically explore attitudes towards employee-facing apps, it does show that restaurant operators are thinking about how mobile technology plays into their business.
55% of respondents said mobile technology can help expand their customer base, 16% said it can eliminate the need to hire more staff, and 15% believe it can speed up the food preparation, cooking, and delivery process. Just imagine how your operations might improve if you could marry the insights you receive from customer-facing mobile technology with employee-facing technology. Fortunately, that is becoming easier as mobile enterprise technologies are becoming more user-friendly and widely available.
According to the McKinsey Global Institute, 72% of companies use social technologies, inspired by social media platforms, in some way; however, very few are anywhere near to achieving the full potential.
“Companies will go on developing ways to reach consumers through social technologies and gathering insights for product development, marketing, and customer service,” the research firm reports. “Yet the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) finds that twice as much potential value lies in using social tools to enhance communications, knowledge sharing and collaboration within and across enterprises.”
In fact, MGI’s estimates suggest that by fully implementing social technologies, companies have an opportunity to raise the productivity of interaction workers—defined as high-skill knowledge workers, including managers and professionals—by 20% to 25%.
See the chart below to see the specific areas of improvement:
Perhaps you see some of your own daily operations, including habits and routines, reflected in this study. Are you wasting time reading and answering email and searching and gathering information across various platforms? How can your organization benefit from task management on a single mobile platform that updates in real-time?
Zenput’s mobile application is designed to provide solutions to these challenges and more. Learn how such a technology can help your restaurant operations.

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